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With our application, you can generate a detailed estimate* in just a few clicks to help you plan your project as effectively as possible.

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*UC App uses under construction’s experience in flat renovation to give you a realistic estimate for your project.

realistic estimate

Realistic Estimate

Prices based on proven experience, serving as a benchmark for your future quotes.



Several pre-recorded material options to best match your needs and preferences.

time saving

Time Saving

A result in just a few clicks, allowing you to make a quick decision.

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Time Saving

An accurate, personalized estimate for each of your clients, ready to be shared immediately.



Your business data, client data, as well as materials and pricing – all customizable to fit your needs.



Prices based on proven experience, regularly updated thanks to active monitoring of price trends.

compare our offers

Features Individuals Pro Pro Plus Premium
App available in three languages (English, German, French) check check check check
Number of users 1 2 5 10 included and 5€/additional user
Number of available estimates 1st estimate free, then 5€/estimate 20 Unlimited Unlimited
Downloadable quote in PDF / CSV check check check check
Create a customer list false check check check
Team collaboration (simultaneous work on a project) false check check check
App customization false false check check
Insert / modify unit prices and margins false false false check
Create new services false false false check
PRICE 1st estimate free, then 5€/estimate 29€/month 59€/month 89€/month

More details on our calculations

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Thanks to our algorithms, the UC App can estimate the cost of your plumbing work, whether it's replacing sanitary equipment (faucets, sinks, showers, toilets…), renovating water networks, or replacing your water heater. It takes into account the materials, the complexity of the installation, and the area to be covered.

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Thanks to our algorithms, the UC App accurately evaluates the cost of your painting work, including wall and ceiling preparation, purchasing raw materials, and the necessary labor.
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With UC App, you get an estimate for your electrical work: adding or replacing outlets and switches, installing lighting fixtures, replacing the electrical system, or even integrating home automation systems. Choose one of the five finish levels based on your needs. The app takes into account technical and regulatory specifications.
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Using our algorithms, UC App estimates the cost of renovating your floors, whether you choose parquet, tiles, carpet, or linoleum. The app incorporates the necessary preparations and material characteristics for an optimal result.
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UC App accurately calculates the cost of your carpentry work: manufacturing and installing windows or doors. The app takes into account the materials and desired finishes.
"Avec l'application de underconstruction, fini les notations compliquées sur papier. Nous n'utilisons plus que notre tablette sur les chantiers."
Francis Cabrel

Contact us now

Do you want more information about our application? Contact us now by phone or e-mail.

under construction GmbH
Arkonaplatz 2
10435 Berlin